When you teach what you love and share what you know... you open eyes, minds, hearts and souls to unexplored worlds...

viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

Story telling: Itsy Bitsy Spider

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MINI CLASS 

  • Are you afraid of insects children? Like spiders... 
  • Do you know any friendly spider? 
  • What do you think, after watching the cover of the book, the story is going to be about? 

  • The teacher will sing the story while showing the pictures of the book, making gestures and changing the tone of the voice 
  • Re-read the story and invite children to make the gestures the teacher made before. 

  • Imagine another place where Itsy Bitsy spider could have gone and draw it. Present it to the class. 
  • Ask children to act the scene of the book they like the most. 
  • Give children images of the story so as they order them according to the story (puzzle game). The teacher will revise it with the children sticken her own flashcards on the whiteboard. 

Our Class....


Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic value refers to the interest and enjoyment that students experience when engaging in an activity.
